Park Department Inclement Weather Policy
If you’re unsure if a field is closed, please call 301-765-8787 first! Rainout number recordings are updated by 2:00 p.m. on weekdays and 7:00 a.m. on weekends.
Fields are in Meadowbrook / Sligo cluster. The exceptions are the Hillandale & Broadacre fields which are in the MLK cluster. Lee Jordan and Ed Wilhelm are not under the control of Parks. These fields are controlled by Takoma Park under an MOU with soccer and baseball.
Please remember that all play on any park athletic field is prohibited whenever:
- The field is closed for seasonal rest or preparation (all park fields are closed for play during the following dates each year: December 1 - March 31 and August 15 - 31);
- The field is closed for renovation or repair;
- Water is standing on the field;
- One half inch of rain or more has fallen within the previous 24 hours;
- Soil is frozen;
- Soil is wet and "spongy";
- The ground is muddy and soil clumps or clings to shoes;
- Steady rain is falling;
- A lightning/electrical storm is occurring;
- The field is deemed unplayable by Park staff or Park Police.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Always remember that playing on a field under any of the conditions listed above can damage the field and make it unplayable, for everyone, for the rest of the season.
Please call the athletic fields rain out information line at 301-765-8787 and follow the instructions.
(Excerpted from
Park Department Inclement Weather Policy)
Our fields are under permit. Field use is coordinated with the Administrator.